A 32bits exe + 32bits JRE can run on 64bits windows 32bits exe + 32bits JRE + 32bits Windows => OK 32bits exe + 32bits JRE + 64bits Windows => OK 64bits exe + 64bits JRE + 64bits Windows => OK ____ So, you can use a 32bits exe + 32bits JRE to run on both 32 and 64 bits windows. A 32bits exe does not run with 64bits JRE on 64 bits windows. Please referĀ www.jar2exe.com/intro/compatibility The 'jre' directory can be along with exe in a same directory, but the 'jre' cannot be within exe file. reply
32bits exe + 32bits JRE + 32bits Windows => OK
32bits exe + 32bits JRE + 64bits Windows => OK
64bits exe + 64bits JRE + 64bits Windows => OK
So, you can use a 32bits exe + 32bits JRE to run on both 32 and 64 bits windows.
A 32bits exe does not run with 64bits JRE on 64 bits windows.
Please referĀ www.jar2exe.com/intro/compatibility
The 'jre' directory can be along with exe in a same directory, but the 'jre' cannot be within exe file.