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BEX Event from MSVCR100.dll

The exe I make from Jar2Exe disappears occasionally in a Windows level crash (EventType=BEX).  Running from the jar, this crash has not been experienced.

In the Report.wer, noticed that the Fault Module Name (MSVCR100.dll) is adjacent to splashscreen.dll (in the JRE directory).

This failure has been experienced only in 64 bit Windows 10, never anywhere else.

This failure happens very rarely, but it only happens when the Java code is running "Runtime.getRuntime().exec((String[])cmds.toArray(new String[0]), null, null);"  The underlying exe that is called is always the same, but the failure has only been experienced when a specific parameter is sent (thus calling on the underlying exe to perform a certain function).  The only function where the failure is observed is on the "save" command.  The underlying exe is called many times without problem, but when this long-running "save" command is run, sometimes there is this failure.

Question: Could there be unexpected interaction from the splashscreen.dll when Runtime.getRuntime().exec() is called from an already running Java application?

Windows crash report and Java code running during the crash:

Inquiry made in the support forum for the underlying exe: